Well......here goes....this is my first post on GIS GeoBlog! Welcome! As it says at the top of the page "This is the place for anything and everything GIS related for everyone from advanced users to newcommers. It will include articles, websites, software, hardware, applications, events, user groups, etc." This idea came to me today while attending a training class at ESRI San Antonio. I am sure many other sites similar to this already exists. Although, I hope that I can continue to promote and inform everyone about the power of GIS in my own little place on the web. Please feel free to email me with suggestions or questions about the blog.
I thought I would start off with the basics. GIS.com. GIS.com is a website maintained by ESRI. ESRI has the market in GIS throughout the World (I will talk more about ESRI in the near future). GIS.com educates by explaining what GIS is, what you can do with it, how to implement it, careers, etc. etc. etc. Please visit
www.gis.com if you never have......who knows you might learn something new.