Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Wow was it foggy here this morning! It took me almost 1.5 hours to get to work instead of my usual 1.25. Anyway, I have a couple of meetings to run to. One is the Supervisors Network. This is a program we do here at the City that helps new supervisors become better supervisors. This is our first meeting and I am looking forward to it. Our assignment was to read an excellent article from the October 2005 U.S. News and World Report about the countries best leaders. You should check it out if you have time. Have a great day!!

Every photo is linked with the place where it was taken, both physically and in your memory. Panoramio helps to link photos and places. For your photos: Never forget the name and location of the small village you visited in Bolivia. Remember the trail you walked to climb that peak in Cuba. You can share photos of your city, your business or your friends with everybody. For virtual travelling: You can explore how the place you are interested in really looks. These are not postcard photos, but photos taken by random people. Panoramio is works well and is free. Check out this Google Mashup at www.panoramio.com.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post!



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