"SAGA – System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses- is a hybrid GIS software. The first objective of SAGA is to give (geo-)scientists an effective but easy learnable platform for the implementation of geoscientific methods, which is achieved by SAGA's unique Application Programming Interface (API). The second is to make these methods accessible in a user friendly way. This is mainly done by the Graphical User Interface (GUI). Together this results in SAGA's true strength: a fast growing set of geoscientifc methods, bundled in exchangeable Module Libraries.The figure shows SAGA's system architecture. SAGA is written in the widespread and powerful C++ programming language and follows an object oriented approach. Moreover it relies on the GNU Public License, which means it is an open source project. All this designates SAGA to be a first choice tool for everybody who works in the field of geosciences, in particular for those who want transparent state of the art methods." Check it out at http://www.saga-gis.uni-goettingen.de/html/index.php.
I am working on getting a Virtual Pipeline model using saga with a database/gis program which is fairly obscure (PICS). I have a question if anyone would like to lend an ear.
I have a pipeline 128 miles. The line crosses two state planes and two utm's. Using saga we grab .dems from tnris to create the VPM. My challenge is to figure out why in SAGA the shapefile for the line is not being overlayed onto the .dems from tnris. I am assuming the .dems are correct and my shapefile has issues. We use arcgis to create the shapefile and have it in NAD 83. A PICS tech loads this shape into SAGA and then loads the .dem. The shapefile seems correct in ArcMap but for some reason isn't read correctly or is errored in .prj file perhaps.
Another spin-off question would be how does saga read the .prj file and what does it do with in?
I'm glad to know that you use C++ programming language its the best ever made.
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